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Cash Tracker

Highlights for Eurozone

  • Banknotes in circulation increased by €0.4bn (0.0%, Δ 1 week) to a total of €1,563bn

Highlights for Germany

  • Banknotes in circulation increased by €0.7bn (0.1%, Δ 1 week) to a total of €932bn

What are we looking at?

Banknotes in circulation are a liability item in a central bank’s balance sheet. Coins, which constitute only a small percentage of euro cash, are by definition not included. Charts on this page cover volume development, growth, and seasonality of cash in the Eurozone and in Germany. The data is updated on a weekly basis.

Why are we looking at it?

Cash is an integral part of a country’s money supply and continues to play an important role as a means of payment especially in Germany. It has also become increasingly significant as an asset class for retail investors. It serves as a safe haven in volatile times and therefore as an important crisis indicator. 
Last ECB data per 19.07.2024 and last Bundesbank data per 19.07.2024.